L.OS – Logistics Operating System

Tenstreet's Xchange

Simplify the Verification Process
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An easy-to-use online screening, verification, and approval process that eliminates your fax machine. This paperless solution removes delays, provides visibility to previous requests and responses, uses automation for easy resends, and streamlines the application process. Over 50% of the industry’s DOT verifications are completed via Xchange.


Tenstreet's Xchange - Stop sending paper faxes, remove redundancies, and optimize your workflow.

Return over 50% of your verifications electronically

​​​​​​​Due to the large number of carriers using our network, over 50% of your verifications can be handled with Xchange. This allows carriers to use our directory to quickly and easily request employment, accident, education, military, and drug/alcohol history electronically. 

Easily monitor progress with Xchange Summary Reports

​​​​​​​Our Xchange summary report monitors all your requests for every driver and highlights gaps in employment history. This makes it simple to see the previous employment information you’ve verified and how much information you may still need.  


Automatically fulfill DOT- compliance tracking.

Automatically updated historical records make it simple to follow DOT regulations. By tracking and storing all your verification responses and good-faith attempts, requirements for DOT-compliance tracking are fulfilled.

Re-send requests with just one click.

​​​​​​The DOT requires that all employers make good-faith attempts to obtain a driver’s employment history. With Xchange, you can easily re-send requests with just one click, saving you time while maintaining compliance.

Introduction to Xchange
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